The relationship between autoimmune disease and vitamin D
Martin Hewison, Professor of Molecular Endocrinology at the University of Birmingham. For the past 30 years he has been engaged in research into vitamin D ranging from molecular… read more.
Martin Hewison, Professor of Molecular Endocrinology at the University of Birmingham. For the past 30 years he has been engaged in research into vitamin D ranging from molecular… read more.
Vitamin D deficiency is common but vitamin D supplementation is relatively safe and is not an expensive treatment or prevention option argues Martin Hewison, Professor of Molecular Endocrinology,… read more.
A recent prospective study has shown that vitamin D supplementation has a “strongly positive effect” in reducing the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis, Martin Hewison, Professor of Molecular Endocrinology,… read more.
Vitamin D deficiency occurs even in sunny parts of the world and one way to tackle it could be fortification of flour, a foodstuff that is used by… read more.
Vitamin D has a clear role in regulating the immune/inflammatory response and association studies have demonstrated a link between vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune diseases. However, supplementation is… read more.
Recent studies suggest that vitamin D has a much broader role in the human body than its well-documented effects on calcium homeostasis and bone metabolism. It has a… read more.
An epigenetics drug currently being used for the treatment of blood cancers and rare sarcomas can stop the growth of bladder cancer by activating the immune system, reports… read more.
Over three million people are infected with the hepatitis E virus every year. So far, no effective treatment is available. An international team has investigated which factors are… read more.
The presence of probiotics such as lactic acid bacteria changes the environment in the intestine and forces the yeast fungus Candida albicans to change its metabolism, making it less infectious…. read more.
A new study, led by researchers from the University of California, Irvine, identifies a reason for why older adults are significantly more susceptible to infectious diseases than younger… read more.
When a virus enters the body, it is picked up by certain cells of the immune system. They transport the virus to the lymph nodes where they present… read more.