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Managing fibromyalgia

Written by | 14 May 2013

Fibromyalgia, now recognized as a true health syndrome with origins in the central nervous system, has seen many recent evolutions regarding its diagnosis and management which should instil… read more.

Malformed hearts due to genetics

Written by | 13 May 2013

Every year, thousands of babies are born with severely malformed hearts, disorders known collectively as congenital heart disease. Many of these defects can be repaired though surgery, but… read more.

Pediatric asthma connected to genes and early wheezing

Written by | 6 May 2013

by Bruce Sylvester – taken from the NEJM – Approximately  90 percent of children who have two copies of a genetic variation and who wheezed when they had… read more.

BTS 2013 Report – Engineering transplantable kidneys from stem cells: progress so far

Written by | 23 Apr 2013

by Maria Dalby reporting on the presentation by Jamie Davies, University of Edinburgh.  Using stem cells to engineer functioning human kidneys that can be used for transplantation remains… read more.

Opioid labelling debated at FDA Hearing

Written by | 20 Mar 2013

Advocates and pain management groups aired concerns recently over a citizen petition to change opioid labeling during the first of a 2-day FDA hearing.

New 'Google Map' of human metabolism

Written by | 6 Mar 2013

Building on earlier pioneering work by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, an international consortium of university researchers has produced the most comprehensive virtual reconstruction of… read more.

New ‘Google Map’ of human metabolism

Written by | 6 Mar 2013

Building on earlier pioneering work by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, an international consortium of university researchers has produced the most comprehensive virtual reconstruction of… read more.

New genetic risk factors for AMD

Written by | 6 Mar 2013

An international group of investigators has identified seven new genetic regions associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a common cause of blindness in older individuals. The findings could… read more.

Stem-cell approach shows promise for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Written by | 28 Jan 2013

http://www.eurekalert.org/multimedia/pub/51742.php?from=230078 Researchers have shown that transplanting stem cells derived from normal mouse blood vessels into the hearts of mice that model the pathology associated with Duchenne muscular dystrophy… read more.

Immune cells engineered in lab to resist HIV infection, Stanford study shows

Written by | 24 Jan 2013

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have found a novel way to engineer key cells of the immune system so they remain resistant to infection with… read more.

World’s largest respiratory genetics study launches on World COPD Day

Written by | 21 Dec 2012

Researchers from the Universities of Nottingham and Leicester are leading the largest ever study of the genetics relating to lung disease.

ASH 2012 Report – Novel therapeutic agents provide hope for patients with hard-to-treat blood disorders

Written by | 21 Dec 2012

Encouraging safety and efficacy data on novel and emerging therapies presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Haematology (ASH) signal an important step forward… read more.

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