A promising approach to develop a birth control pill for men
The world’s population has increased by more than 2.6-fold in the last 60 years. The growing trend continues – projections indicate that the number of people living on… read more.
The world’s population has increased by more than 2.6-fold in the last 60 years. The growing trend continues – projections indicate that the number of people living on… read more.
Following federal approval for over the counter emergency contraception in 2006, emergency departments across the U.S. saw dramatic decreases in related visits and medical charges, a new study… read more.
In the “ThemenCheck Medizin” procedure offered by the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), interested members of the public can submit proposals for the… read more.
Emergency contraception treatment with levonorgestrel plus piroxicam is significantly more effective than levonorgestrel monotherapy, researchers reported on August 16, 2023 in the Lancet. “Overall, this study suggests that… read more.
Pharmacists are taking a more active role in prescribing hormonal contraceptives — a trend applauded by women who welcome easier access to birth control and sanctioned by a… read more.
Women undergoing operations are not being routinely informed that a common anaesthetic may make their contraception less effective, putting them at risk of an unplanned pregnancy, new research… read more.
Hysteroscopic sterilization, a nonincisional procedure, was found to be as effective as minimally invasive laparoscopic sterilization in preventing pregnancy, but both methods had higher than expected failure rates,… read more.
A discovery that blocks the normal transition of semen from a thick gel to a liquid shows promise for development of a new form of non-hormonal, over-the-counter contraception…. read more.
Mithra, a company dedicated to Women’s Health, is very pleased to announce that the European Commission has accepted the registration application for the novel combined oral contraceptive Estelle…. read more.
Merck Inc., hosted on 3 May an Organon management investor day meeting, to detail across women’s health, biosimilars and established brands.The new company will be launched on 3… read more.