EAU 2012 Report – Proactive Discussion about BPH
It is estimated that as many as 24 million European men aged 50 and over experience bothersome urinary symptoms.1,2 Yet, despite experiencing symptoms, men typically wait nearly two… read more.
It is estimated that as many as 24 million European men aged 50 and over experience bothersome urinary symptoms.1,2 Yet, despite experiencing symptoms, men typically wait nearly two… read more.
by Edel O’Connell – Report on poster presented at the ICS Annual Meeting
by Edel O’Connell – CARDIAC medicine has come a long way in 50 years but the dual pressures of cutbacks in the health service and an increased sedentary… read more.
by Maria Dalby – Almost all lung transplant recipients will develop bronchiolotis obliterans (BO) if they live long enough – as transplantation care is improving, BO is becoming… read more.
by Maria Dalby – Donating a kidney in later life can have a positive effect on quality of life, according to the largest study to date on this… read more.
by Maria Dalby – New legislation which recognises and defines the concept of brain death has allowed Israel to nearly double the number of transplantations of organs from… read more.
by Maria Dalby – Bowel transplantation poses a dilemma to transplant teams throughout the UK. Consent rates for intestinal donation are lower than for any other solid organ… read more.
C. difficile is a bacterium that is common in the environment. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 337,000 cases of CDI are reported each… read more.
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) has awarded ESMO Designated Center of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care accreditation to 16 new oncology centres.
Malignant cells that leave a primary tumor, travel the bloodstream and grow out of control in new locations cause the vast majority of cancer deaths.
The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) announced today the names of two eminent cancer specialists and one European institution that will be recognized for their contribution to… read more.
Website may help curb healthcare costs, kids affected by chronic condition