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Study demonstrates effective screening and intervention for unhealthy alcohol use in primary care settings

Written by | 19 Aug 2024

Between 2015 and 2019, excessive alcohol use resulted in over 140,000 deaths and 3.6 million years of potential life lost annually in the United States, making it the fourth… read more.

Young adults reduced drinking during and after pandemic

Written by | 7 May 2024

A new study examined the drinking levels and patterns of young adults before, during and after the pandemic. The researchers found alcohol use and alcohol-related problems substantially decreased… read more.

Young children drinking daily caffeinated soda found more likely to try alcohol within a year

Written by | 10 Nov 2023

The trend among younger children to frequently drink caffeinated soda may indicate higher risk of alcohol consumption in the future, new research suggests. In a study of over… read more.

More detailed alcohol warning labels could reduce health harms, researchers suggest

Written by | 12 Sep 2022

You know drinking alcohol isn’t the best thing for your health, but just how bad is it? After all, in the United States, two thirds of adults report some degree… read more.

Even light drinking can be harmful to health

Written by | 25 Jan 2022

Research reveals cardiovascular risk of consuming small quantities of alcohol. Drinking less than the UK’s recommended limit of 14 units of alcohol per week still increases the risk… read more.

Does Holiday Heart Syndrome, which affects the atria, extend to the ventricles?

Written by | 1 Jan 2022

In an extensive study of more than 400,000 individuals, investigators found no association between alcohol consumption and ventricular arrhythmias, although higher spirit intake was associated with increasing risk,… read more.

Transplants for alcohol-related liver inflammation surge during pandemic

Written by | 30 Nov 2021

The increased number of deceased donor liver transplants related to alcoholic hepatitis — up more than 50 percent over predicted numbers — was associated with rising alcohol sales…. read more.

Only alcohol – not caffeine, diet or lack of sleep – might trigger heart rhythm condition

Written by | 30 Nov 2021

New research from UC San Francisco that tested possible triggers of a common heart condition, including caffeine, sleep deprivation and sleeping on the left side, found that only… read more.

Does moderate drinking protect against heart disease?

Written by | 12 Nov 2021

For decades, researchers have studied the impact of alcohol on cardiovascular health, often with mixed results. Scientists at Monash University in Australia set out to answer the question… read more.

Blood alcohol levels much lower than the legal limit impair hand-eye coordination

Written by | 20 Jan 2021

In previous studies, eye movements and vision were only affected at blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) approaching the legal limit for driving (0.08% BAC), in England, Wales and Northern… read more.

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