ILTS 2012 Report – Meeting management goals among donors improves rates of organ use
by Thomas R. Collins – Establishing and adhering to management goals for organ donors boosts the percentage of livers that are utilized,
by Thomas R. Collins – Establishing and adhering to management goals for organ donors boosts the percentage of livers that are utilized,
Dr Irene Scalera, Fellow at the Liver Unit at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, describes the ever-changing donor landscape and attempts to improve liver donor shortage.
by Bruce Sylvester – Two studies presented at EASL suggest the real human and economic costs of liver disease across Europe.
by Bruce Sylvester – Diabetes adds to hearing loss with age among women, if it is not well controlled with medication,
Taken from the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) – by Bruce Sylvester – Aortic stenosis patients who are too ill to undergo open-heart surgery have achieved better… read more.
Quality-of-life issues gaining prominence as long-term cancer survival rates increase. More than 80 percent of radiation oncologists discuss the impact of cancer treatments on fertility with their patients… read more.
by Dr Sunil Upadhyay – Age is the number one risk factor for the development of breast cancer. Not only the incidence but also the mortality from breast… read more.
Like special-forces troops laser-tagging targets for a bomber pilot, tiny particles that can be imaged three different ways at once have enabled Stanford University School of Medicine scientists… read more.
A University of Miami study shows that women with non-metastatic breast cancer who are physically active and receive stress management intervention during treatment may reduce depression and lessen… read more.
Loyola researchers are reporting surprising findings about a molecule that helps ramp up the immune system in some cases and suppress it in others. The finding eventually could… read more.
Screening for lung cancer with low dose CT scans has been shown to save lives. However, research shows that when CT scans reveal nodules in the lungs, it… read more.
by Dr Sunil Upadhyay – The overall incidence of cancer is known to increase with age. However, there is hardly any age group that can be spared from… read more.