Obesity promotes prostate cancer by altering gene regulation
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and early treatment is usually very successful. However, like other cancers, obesity increases the risk of aggressive… read more.
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and early treatment is usually very successful. However, like other cancers, obesity increases the risk of aggressive… read more.
Malignant cells that leave a primary tumor, travel the bloodstream and grow out of control in new locations cause the vast majority of cancer deaths.
Women having surgery for breast cancer are up to three times more likely to have severe pain in the first week after surgery if they suffer from other… read more.
Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have identified reliable predictors of pain by surveying patients throughout their hospital stays about the severity of their pain and their… read more.
In news that is bound to excite breast cancer patients and investors, Genentech/Roche/Immunogen issued press releases on August 26, 2012, confirming that their drug-of-the-moment T-DM1 (trastuzumab emtansine) offers… read more.
by Thomas R. Collins – TOL101, a new murine monoclonal antibody that targets the alpha-beta T-cell receptor, showed a good safety profile despite a problem with hives that… read more.
by Mr Nizam Mamode – Transplantation, especially renal transplantation, now seems a fairly straightforward technique. A kidney is removed, usually laparoscopically, then implanted in pretty much the same… read more.
by Christine Clark – Changes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer form the basis for future developments. There have been many revolutions in medical science over the… read more.
by Zara Qadir – Even with international guidelines for pain treatment, therapy has to be individualised for patients and pharmacists can play an important role in the management… read more.
by Christine Clark – The Bayer satellite symposium, ‘The new oral anticoagulants: mechanisms, evidence and day-to-day decisions’, was held at the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists Congress in… read more.
by Zara Qadir reporting on the presentation by Professor Petra Thürmann (pictured) from the Philipp Klee-Institute of Clinical Pharmacology at the HELIOS Klinikum Wuppertal in Germany.
by Bruce Sylvester – In a randomized Phase II study presented at ASCO, investigators reported that 6 months of treatment with the targeted drug abiraterone (Zytiga) when added… read more.