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Why is opioid use before hip or knee replacement a problem?

Written by | 12 Sep 2024 | 'In Discussion With'

Opioid doses can be successfully reduced by a pharmacy-led intervention, according to a randomised study led by Dr Shania Liu and Dr Jonathan Penm at the University of Sydney, Australia. IMI spoke to the researchers to find out more about the study and the wider research programme.

Patients who undergo total hip (THA) and total knee replacement surgery (TKA) suffer from end stage osteoarthritis with chronic pain. “We know from existing research that opioids are often no better than simple analgesics like paracetamol or acetaminophen or anti-inflammatory pain medicines for osteoarthritis-related pain – so these opioids are not providing any additional benefit and yet they carry the risk of additional side effects such as drowsiness and the risk of falls”, explains Dr Liu. Moreover, opioid use before surgery is linked to worse outcomes including slower recovery and persistent opioid use three months after surgery, she adds.

The OpioidHALT trial (Feasibility of responsible pre-operative opioid use for Hip and knee ArthropLasTy (OpioidHALT) pilot study) was designed to examine the feasibility and acceptability of an intervention to reduce opioid use before elective THA or TKA compared to usual practice. “Total hip and knee replacement surgeries are among the most common elective surgical procedures performed around the world with over 1 million of these procedures performed in the USA alone in 2021.  As we know, the population as a whole is aging so these procedures are expected to at least double in volume over the next decade”, explains Dr Liu

About Dr Shania Liu and Dr Jonathan Penm

Dr Shania Liu  BPharm (Hons), GradCertEdStud (Higher Ed), PhD, FSHP, FHEA completed her PhD at the University of Sydney looking at a pharmacist-led opioid tapering program for patients undergoing total hip and knee arthroplasty. Currently, she is a post-doctoral research fellow working at the University of Alberta in Canada where she is leading two large randomised trials looking at pharmacist-partnered management of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease. She also  continues to be involved in the pharmacist-led opioid tapering work looking at the impacts of opioid tapering before hip and knee replacement surgery.

At the 2024 FIP Congress Dr Liu was awarded the International Pharmaceutical Federation Early Career in Pharmaceutical Practice Recognition Award. The purpose of the award is to recognise an outstanding early career pharmacist who has made important contributions to their field of practice at a national level, and who is emerging internationally.

Dr Jonathan Penm BPharm (Hons), GradCertEdStud (Higher Ed), PhD, FFIP, FSHP, FPS, FHEA, FANZCAP (PainMgmt, Research) is a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney School of Pharmacy in Australia. He is involved in both teaching and research and is also affiliated with the Prince of Wales Hospital, where he is involved in research with the pain team. His area of interest is evaluating hospital pharmacy services to reduce patient harm and the need for hospital care.  He currently runs several randomised controlled trials and is the Principal Investigator for OpioidHALT II.

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