Harris Poll survey finds people receiving treatment for CIDP are interested in exploring more convenient treatment options – CSL Behring

CSL Behring, announced survey results showing that the majority of surveyed people living with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) agree they are interested in exploring more convenient treatment options (n=98, 82%) and that administering treatment at home is extremely/very important to them (n=100, 72%)
. However, less than half of people surveyed said they discuss potential new treatment options or switching treatments with a physician (n=100, 47% and 43% respectively). The CSL Behring-sponsored Harris Poll survey included 100 people living with CIDP, 98 of whom were currently on treatment for their CIDP, and 100 neurologists/neuromuscular specialists who regularly see at least one patient with CIDP.
CIDP is a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the peripheral nerves (those outside the brain and spinal cord) and damages the protective covering of the nerves known as the myelin sheath. CIDP symptoms can worsen over time, leading to significant activity limitations.
In the survey (n=100), 57% of patients said they wish their physicians better understood what they think is important in a CIDP treatment with the majority listing efficacy (95%), minimal side effects (97%), condition maintenance (96%), at-home administration (72%) and flexible dosing options (70%), among their top priorities when thinking about a treatment option. Additionally, less than half of patients surveyed said they are very/somewhat knowledgeable about how different CIDP treatment options work (40%) or about how different CIDP treatment options are administered (45%).
“We know that people living with rare diseases benefit from shared decision-making with their physician about their treatment options, including how and where they receive treatment,” said Dr. Jeffrey Allen, MD, Associate professor of neurology at the University of Minnesota Medical School. “Having regular open discussions about the different options available, including self-administered treatment at home for CIDP maintenance for example, is particularly important for people who may find it difficult or burdensome to travel to an infusion center.”
CSL Behring’s Hizentra (Immune Globulin Subcutaneous [Human] 20 percent Liquid) is the first and only self-administered, subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) for the treatment of CIDP as maintenance therapy to prevent relapse of neuromuscular disability and impairment. As Hizentra is infused under the skin and not into a vein, people with CIDP can use Hizentra at home and don’t have to worry about finding a vein, which is especially important for those who may have venous access issues. For additional convenience, Hizentra is available in vials or a wide range of prefilled syringe sizes, including 1g, 2g, 4g and a 10g size that will be available in early 2024.
About the Survey : The survey was conducted on behalf of CSL Behring with 100 people living with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) and 100 neurologists/neuromuscular specialists. The survey took place between February 27, 2023 and March 15, 2023. Patients were identified and recruited directly by treating physicians. Both patients and physicians were fully screened for eligibility. The survey qualification criteria for patients included being age 18+, residency in the U.S. and CIDP diagnosis. The survey qualification criteria for physicians included that they practice in the U.S., are duly licensed, are neurologists/neuromuscular specialists and regularly see at least one patient with CIDP.