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COVID-19 vaccination much more effective at preventing hospitalization than prior infection only

Written by | 18 Nov 2021

COVID-19 vaccination is about five times more effective at preventing COVID-related hospitalization than prior infection only, researchers reported on Oct. 29, 2021 in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,… read more.

Quadricep muscle contracts differently after ACL reconstruction; may contribute to lingering weakness

Written by | 17 Nov 2021

After an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery, it’s common to experience quadriceps weakness, which was thought to be caused primarily by muscle atrophy, or shrinkage. But researchers at… read more.

Automated texting system for at-home monitoring of COVID-19 patients shown to save lives

Written by | 17 Nov 2021

Patients enrolled in COVID Watch were 68 percent less likely to die from COVID-19. A retrospective cohort analysis found that an algorithm-based automated text messaging system saved a… read more.

Researchers discover a way to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics

Written by | 16 Nov 2021

A multi-disciplinary project driven by EMBL Australia researchers at Monash University and Harvard University has found a way to make antibiotics more effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria — also… read more.

Number of premature deaths worldwide caused by consumption in G20 nations

Written by | 16 Nov 2021

The haze that blurs a blue sky or a beautiful skyline is caused by tiny particles called PM2.5. PM2.5 describes particulate matter, often made from pollution, less than 2.5… read more.

Breastfeeding may help prevent cognitive decline

Written by | 15 Nov 2021

A new study led by researchers at UCLA Health has found that women over the age of 50 who had breastfed their babies performed better on cognitive tests… read more.

Test determines antibiotic resistance in less than 90 minutes

Written by | 15 Nov 2021

A technique that measures the metabolic activity of bacteria with an electric probe can identify antibiotic resistance in less than 90 minutes, a dramatic improvement from the one… read more.

Kidney cancer: children in the UK and Ireland diagnosed late

Written by | 14 Nov 2021

Children with kidney cancers in the UK and Ireland are diagnosed with larger and more advanced tumours than in other Western European countries, according to research presented at… read more.

COVID-19: The older you are, the more antibodies you have

Written by | 14 Nov 2021

Does natural infection or vaccination prompt the body to generate more protective antibodies? It’s a question that researchers have been working on since the introduction of the first… read more.

Pre-surgical and post-surgical physical therapy for knee replacement patients lowers risk of chronic opioid use

Written by | 13 Nov 2021

Physical therapy appears to the lower risk of chronic opioid use among patients undergoing total knee replacement, researchers reported on Oct. 27, 2021 in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation…. read more.

New EU guidance on registry-based studies

Written by | 13 Nov 2021

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published new guidance on generating evidence from patient registries. The publication aims to increase the quality of research using the wealth of… read more.

Does moderate drinking protect against heart disease?

Written by | 12 Nov 2021

For decades, researchers have studied the impact of alcohol on cardiovascular health, often with mixed results. Scientists at Monash University in Australia set out to answer the question… read more.

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