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Picking the right device is so important

Written by | 28 Sep 2012

The Brussels Declaration, published in the European Respiratory Journal in 2008 recognises the high prevalence of patients with poorly controlled asthma and calls for changes in asthma management… read more.

ESC 2012 Report – Metabolically healthy, fit obese persons appear to have normal CVD and cancer risks

Written by | 17 Sep 2012

by Bruce Sylvester – Obese persons who are metabolically healthy and fit have no more risk of developing or dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer than persons of… read more.

ATC 2012 Report – Pancreatectomy and auto islet transplantation works well in children

Written by | 21 Aug 2012

by Thomas R. Collins –  Total pancreatectomy and auto islet transplantation among children can bring about good results, with many able to stay insulin-free and almost all of… read more.

Opioids double risk of death from any cause

Written by | 31 Jul 2012

by Bruce Sylvester – taken from the British Medical Journal (BMJ) Long-term opium use almost doubles the risk of death from many causes, particularly circulatory diseases, respiratory conditions,… read more.

Vitamin D could help protect lungs in smokers

Written by | 31 Jul 2012

by Bruce Sylvester – Results from a new study suggest that Vitamin D deficiency is related to lung function in smokers, suggesting that vitamin D supplementation could be… read more.

Opioids relieve severe shortness of breath in COPD

Written by | 14 Jun 2012

by Bruce Sylvester – Opioid treatment offers relief and improved quality of life to patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and shortness of breath,

Sept. 11 attacks linked with higher levels of respiratory illness

Written by | 12 Jun 2012

Residents of Lower Manhattan who suffered home damage following the September 11 terrorist attacks are more likely to report respiratory symptoms and diseases than area residents whose homes… read more.

Respiratory diseases will worsen with global climate change

Written by | 12 Jun 2012

Worldwide increases in the incidences of asthma, allergies, infectious and cardiovascular diseases will result from a variety of impacts of global climate change,

Opioids effective in relieving severe shortness of breath in COPD patients

Written by | 12 Jun 2012

Patients with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and shortness of breath found that opioids provided relief and improved their quality of life,

International panel updates definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome

Written by | 12 Jun 2012

Gordon D. Rubenfeld, M.D., of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto, Canada, and colleagues with the ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) Definition Task Force, developed a new definition… read more.

FDA approve drug for infant respiratory distress syndrome

Written by | 12 Jun 2012

New drug helps preterm infants breathe.  “I am excited that our scientific findings will help save lives,” said Charles Cochrane, MD, professor emeritus. “Many years of work in… read more.

Energy poverty creating a respiratory disease ‘epidemic’ for almost half the world’s population

Written by | 12 Jun 2012

Limited access to clean sources of energy, known as energy poverty, makes nearly half the world’s population reliant on burning wood, animal waste, coal or charcoal to cook.

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