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Community health program boosts child vaccinations in remote areas of Madagascar

Written by | 15 Aug 2023

Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world and access to health care is limited for many people. Childhood vaccinations are a crucial component of preventative… read more.

Navigating telemedicine implementation: exploring experiences of primary care clinicians early in the COVID-19 pandemic

Written by | 30 Jul 2023

Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University and Case Western Reserve University conducted weekly and monthly surveys of primary care clinicians to examine the use of telemedicine during the COVID-19… read more.

The largest study of its kind shows a need for improvement in esophageal cancer screenings

Written by | 25 Jul 2023

A new study published in Gastroenterology aims to improve the effectiveness of screening and surveillance practices for early cancer detection in Barrett’s esophagus (BE). BE is the only identifiable precursor… read more.

Pharmacists’ communication skills are associated with physician prescription changes

Written by | 24 Jul 2023

Effective communication among healthcare professionals is essential for ensuring safe medical care. Assertiveness, the ability to express oneself candidly while respecting others, is seen as a crucial factor… read more.

New talking therapy for depression could be more effective and cheaper than CBT

Written by | 23 Jul 2023

A new talking therapy for depression has shown encouraging early signs of being more effective and cheaper to deliver than the current best practice of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy… read more.

ChatGPT’s responses to people’s healthcare-related queries are nearly indistinguishable from those provided by humans, new study reveals

Written by | 22 Jul 2023

ChatGPT’s responses to people’s healthcare-related queries are nearly indistinguishable from those provided by humans, a new study from NYU Tandon School of Engineering and Grossman School of Medicine… read more.

The higher the primary care function experienced, the lower the stress on family caregivers

Written by | 11 Jul 2023

People caring for family members at home (family caregivers) face more substantial psychological and physical challenges than noncaregivers. Therefore, healthcare professionals must pay attention to the stress of… read more.

Primary care clinicians report benefits and challenges in using telemedicine during COVID-19 pandemic

Written by | 28 May 2023

Researchers interviewed  primary care clinicians to identify trends, facilitators and barriers in implementing and using telemedicine technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They interviewed  25 leaders from… read more.

Integrating mental health services into pediatric primary care at federally qualified health centers improves mental health care engagement for children

Written by | 29 Apr 2023

New research led by Boston Medical Center and Boston University School of Public Health found that integrating mental health services into pediatric primary care at federally qualified health… read more.

Reducing fatigue and errors among nurses working night shifts

Written by | 26 Apr 2023

Nurses exposed to 40 minutes of bright light before their night shifts feel less fatigued and make fewer errors at work, according to a study led by McGill… read more.

Strengthening general practice will save lives, researcher argues

Written by | 14 Apr 2023

In his new book Primary Health Care and Population Mortality, released next week, Professor Richard Baker draws on international evidence to show how primary health care is key to… read more.

Survey of family physicians identifies gaps in primary care’s behavioral health integration

Written by | 10 Apr 2023

Survey of Family Physicians Identifies Gaps in Primary Care’s Behavioral Health Integration Researchers from the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) and the University of Washington in Seattle… read more.

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