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Bacteria do not colonize the gut before birth

Written by | 18 May 2021

New research led by scientists from McMaster University and Charité — Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Germany has found it happens during and after birth, and not before. McMaster researchers… read more.

Worm infestation in intestine has a remote effect on viral defenses

Written by | 22 Apr 2021

Infection with parasitic intestinal worms (helminths) can apparently cause sexually transmitted viral infections to be much more severe elsewhere in the body.

Gut microbiota in cesarean-born babies catches up

Written by | 3 Apr 2021

Infants born by cesarean section have a relatively meager array of bacteria in the gut. But by the age of three to five years they are broadly in… read more.

Research reveals how bacteria defeat drugs that fight cystic fibrosis

Written by | 3 Mar 2021

MISSOULA – University of Montana researchers and their partners have discovered a slimy strategy used by bacteria to defeat antibiotics and other drugs used to combat infections afflicting… read more.

Gut microbes may antagonize or assist in anorexia

Written by | 23 Jan 2021

You are likely familiar with the serious consequences of anorexia for those who experience it, but you might not be aware that the disorder may not be purely… read more.

Poor gut health connected to severe COVID-19

Written by | 22 Jan 2021

People infected with COVID-19 experience a wide range of symptoms and severities, the most commonly reported including high fevers and respiratory problems.

Nanoplastics alter intestinal microbiome and threaten human health

Written by | 11 Jan 2021

We live in a world invaded by plastic. Its role as a chemically stable, versatile and multi-purpose fostered its massive use, which has finally translated into our current… read more.

How the immune system remembers viruses

Written by | 19 Dec 2020

When a virus enters the body, it is picked up by certain cells of the immune system. They transport the virus to the lymph nodes where they present… read more.

Stronger antibody response to more severe disease

Written by | 15 Nov 2020

Sex, age, and severity of disease may be useful in identifying COVID-19 survivors who are likely to have high levels of antibodies that can protect against the disease,… read more.

Fecal transplantation can restore the gut microbiota of C-section babies

Written by | 5 Nov 2020

The human gut contains a diverse ecosystem of microbes: mainly bacteria, as well as viruses and fungi, termed the gut microbiota. Recent years have shown that the gut… read more.

Indomethacin for early covid-19

Written by | 22 Oct 2020

Article written by Christine Clark Indomethacin reduces the severity and duration of covid-19 symptoms and the need for hospital admissions

Treating COVID-19 could lead to increased antimicrobial resistance

Written by | 14 Sep 2020

The use of antibiotics in people with COVID-19 could result in increased resistance to the drugs’ benefits among the wider population, a new study suggests.

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