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A common fatty acid may help restore healthy vaginal bacteria after infection

Written by | 20 Aug 2024

More than half of women globally experience bacterial vaginosis (BV) — an imbalance of naturally occurring microbes in the female genital tract — at least once in their… read more.

Molecule produced in gut may protect against flu

Written by | 8 Jul 2024

A naturally occurring molecule could help to prevent – and even treat – influenza, according to a new study published in the journal Gut Microbes. The molecule, indole-3-propionic… read more.

Matcha mouthwash inhibits bacteria that causes periodontitis

Written by | 25 May 2024

Periodontitis is an inflammatory gum disease driven by bacterial infection and left untreated it can lead to complications including tooth loss. The disease also been associated with diabetes… read more.

Specific gut bacteria associated with lower risk of hospitalization for infections

Written by | 23 Mar 2024

Research presented on March 22, 2024 at European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2024) in Barcelona indicates that for every 10% increase in butyrate-producing bacteria… read more.

Common food preservative has unexpected effects on the gut microbiome

Written by | 8 Feb 2024

Food manufacturers often add preservatives to food products to keep them fresh. A primary purpose of these preservatives is to kill microbes that could break down and otherwise… read more.

Staphylococcus aureus treatment with oral antibiotics appears promising

Written by | 2 Feb 2024

New research indicates that, among patients with Staphylococcus aureus (SAB) bloodstream infections who are deemed to be at low risk of developing infectious complications, an early switch to… read more.

Skin behind the ears and between the toes can host a collection of unhealthy microbes

Written by | 30 Sep 2023

Grandmother was right: Scrubbing behind the ears and between the toes may help keep the skin in those regions healthy, or so says a new study by a… read more.

An oral probiotic can treat dry eye disease

Written by | 18 Jul 2023

In a study by a research group at Baylor College of Medicine, oral administration of a commercially available probiotic bacterial strain was found to improve dry eye disease… read more.

Boosting survival of a beneficial bacterium in the human gut

Written by | 25 Mar 2023

The microbes that inhabit the gut are critical for human health, and understanding the factors that encourage the growth of beneficial bacterial species — known as “good” bacteria… read more.

Peanuts and herbs and spices may positively impact gut microbiome

Written by | 5 Dec 2022

Adding a daily ounce of peanuts or about a teaspoon of herbs and spices to your diet may affect the composition of gut bacteria, an indicator of overall… read more.

Antibiotics affect male and female gut microbiomes differently

Written by | 25 Jul 2022

In a new study, researchers at Cedars-Sinai found that antibiotics have sex-specific effects on the gut microbiome makeup of male and female laboratory rats. The findings, published in… read more.

Fragile balance in the gut

Written by | 3 Jul 2022

The presence of probiotics such as lactic acid bacteria changes the environment in the intestine and forces the yeast fungus Candida albicans to change its metabolism, making it less infectious…. read more.

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