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Individuals with osteoarthritis are commonly prescribed NSAIDs despite having contraindications

Written by | 1 Aug 2024

Osteoarthritis affects 600 million people worldwide, making it a leading cause of disability. With no disease-modifying treatments available or on the horizon, oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are… read more.

Simple test for flu could improve diagnosis and surveillance

Written by | 25 Jun 2024

Fewer than one percent of people who get the flu every year get tested, in part because most tests require trained personnel and expensive equipment. Now researchers have… read more.

Only around half of individuals disclose or believe they should reveal having an STI prior to sexual intercourse, research to-date suggests

Written by | 10 Jun 2024

A review of research to-date reveals the complex nature of revealing a diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) to a partner ahead of engaging in sexual activity…. read more.

Asthma education is key to reducing deaths worldwide, say respiratory health associations

Written by | 10 May 2024

On World Asthma Day 2024 the message is clear: “Asthma Education Empowers.” The Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS), of which the American Thoracic Society is a founding member, stresses the… read more.

Could a simple blood test transform sepsis outcomes?

Written by | 8 Apr 2024

One of the persistent challenges in treating sepsis is the lack of timely diagnosis, as there is no singular diagnostic test that reliably detects sepsis. Current practices rely… read more.

Rapid rise seen in mental health diagnosis and care during and after pregnancy

Written by | 2 Apr 2024

Mental health issues during pregnancy or the first year of parenthood have a much greater chance of getting detected and treated now than just over a decade ago,… read more.

University of Maryland, Baltimore researchers call for regulation of direct-to-consumer microbiome tests

Written by | 19 Mar 2024

Scientific research has linked a person’s microbiome to everything from gut and mental health to immunity and predisposition to cancer. This research comes at a time when there… read more.

Study paves the way for better diagnosis and treatment of endocrine diseases

Written by | 7 Mar 2024

A new Danish study may be the first step towards much faster and more accurate diagnosis of a wide range of conditions that require regulation of the body’s… read more.

Tirzepatide equally effective for early-onset or later-onset type 2 diabetes

Written by | 10 Oct 2023

Tirzepatide. a once weekly GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist, treats early-onset type 2 diabetes as effectively as it treats type 2 diabetes diagnosed later in life, researchers reported… read more.

New insights to enhance treatment and diagnosis of blood cancer

Written by | 17 Sep 2023

A ground-breaking study by researchers from the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore (CSI Singapore) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) has revealed crucial insights into the role of the… read more.

How to diagnose and manage depression in adolescents: a new review for clinicians

Written by | 1 Jun 2023

How do you diagnose and manage depression in adolescents? A new review published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) https://www.cmaj.ca/lookup/doi/10.1503/cmaj.220966 aims to help primary care clinicians address this increasingly common, yet under-detected… read more.

AI software at least as good as radiologists at detecting TB from chest X-rays

Written by | 22 Apr 2023

AI software can accurately detect TB from chest X-rays, a study being presented at this year’s European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Copenhagen, Denmark,… read more.

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