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There’s a ‘man in the moon’: Why our brains see human faces everywhere

Written by | 3 Aug 2021

It’s so commonplace we barely give it a second thought, but human brains seem hardwired to see human faces where there are none — in objects as varied… read more.

Treatment found to improve cognitive function in patients with fragile X syndrome

Written by | 8 May 2021

An experimental treatment produced improvements in cognitive function and language in patients with fragile X syndrome, according to study results published on April 29 in Nature Medicine. Fragile X… read more.

A new method to predict individual risk of cognitive decline

Written by | 16 Feb 2021

The early prognosis of high-risk older adults for amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), using noninvasive and sensitive neuromarkers, is key for early prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Obesity may exacerbate the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, new study shows

Written by | 8 Feb 2021

New research from the University of Sheffield has found being overweight is an additional burden on brain health and it may exacerbate Alzheimer’s disease.

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